Sunday, December 26, 2010

Kristin, Did You Write That?

Life is more than just a book.  It’s a series.   Once you are finished with one book, take some time to reflect before you jump into writing the next one. Read through some of those books from your past so that you can be reminded of where you came from and what you have overcome.   This will provide you with the inspiration you need.  Now Write. 

Friday, December 24, 2010

My Mess Part 1: Garage

Here is all my stuff that I didnt need to bring in the house. I blamed the spiders over the summer we will see what excuse I come up with.
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Dad's Book Recommendations

What Color is Your Parachute - Bought but not yet completed
The Purpose Driven Life
Living Buddha, Living Christ -

Thursday, December 23, 2010

All Truth

2011 Generation Y mission to bring his people together

It was revealed to me with "All Truth" as my Dad described having workshotps and seminars. I believe this is more than a small ministry team, but bigger than that. Something that will connect the ministry teams here and around the world. It makes so much ssense. It would take time but what doesn't take tieme.

Can you imagine living here on Earth all together as God's people. If not, then what did you think would happen in heaven? How much fun would it be to eventually learne each other's languages, become well traveled, and had friendships all across the world.

This is what our generation is here to do. Twitter, Facebook, Email have taken over the communication for the younger generation. Generation Y will remain the generation that was born into it. We were instilled with those verbal communication skills that can win over groups of people. With skills on and off line, our need for chance, and our ability to work well with diverse groups as we were brought into the workforce with the babyboomers and now have the youngest generation which clings to us as we are the only generation to understand their their life.

believe there is a great coming together of charismatic driven like-minded people. God has been placing those people around me and I have been having this vision all year as it continues to grow. I have reached out to some and guess what "I don't care if you think I'm crazy" because I am totally crazy right now for God. Everything he does is for a reason and I live so much in the present moment free of stress that I am able to allow him to guide me throughout the day.

What do you think?

Any organizationas out there doing this now?

How far have they gotten?

How crazy do you think I am on a scale from 1-10?

Step 8: Self-Discovery

Lost all the data on Word .  Must have sucked so bad God didn't want it put up.   lol

And I tried again to write this out February 2, 2011. I had just finished and lost all the data again.  What is God saying to me.

Peace and Hearts (still)

Step 7: The Remote Control Surrender

And of course I was all over the place with memories.  Three computers worth of writing and data, journal among journal, my phone applications were all filled with memoires, reminders, and discoveries.  And so I quit trying to organize and edit.  I was watching movies 24/ 7 in my head and never once thought about trying to slow it down.  I simply had to let it be.  If I let anything distract me from this movie again, God might press pause again.  And I simply didn’t like staring at a blank screen for five years.

Step 6: Spiritual Journey to Find True Self

From that point I have literally been an “energy bunny” and keep going and going.  God literally turned on this DVD in my head.  Okay so at this point of the journey the mission was self-discovery. I had to do a lot.  He had the remote so he would be in charge of the memories that would simply appear.  I decided that that no matter where I am or what I was doing I would stop and write something down.  I would have to go back through the timeline of my life.  The movie played everything from the past five years along with childhood memories from the age of four.  My brain was almost like a computer that lost data and now is being restored.   I went from “I felt clear” to truly believing that my brain would literally explode and words would fly all over the place.

Step 5: Inner Peace

This would be the packing and planning phase.  My brain is the suitcase which had I had already started packing years ago.  And then it just hit me one day out of nowhere.  I was me again.  But I was a different me a better me.  I was simply overwhelmed with every emotion.  “I felt clear” That is actually the word I used which I now can replace with transparent.  There I was in my room maybe cleaning or just stopping in to grab something and run an errand.  I can’t remember anything more that peace.  I guess I consider “I felt clear” the day I really woke up. 

Step 4: Living in the Present

After I ended my relationship, I joked about “being in a coma for a few year”, and told them that I finally woke up.  That is exactly what it was like.  They say that when you are in a coma you are still aware of what is happening around you.  That is why family member will often talk or read to patients.  I was reading, praying, researching, experiencing, practicing, communicating, learning, asking, observing listening my entire life. Even in my “coma” I was still living and learning. 

Step 3: Vision and God's Calling

I had been watching this world differently than anybody else.  I saw wrong when they saw right.  I saw forgiveness when they saw revenge. I was always different than everybody else.  No matter where I went  or who I was around I somehow managed to stand out and be like the only light sources in the room.  When I wasn’t even trying to compete or stand out, I would be recognized. It was so crazy that I couldn’t believe it until now.  And so I accepted it. I was ready for the journey and I was going to let God lead me the rest of the way.  Not only that but I’m basically VIP and on my way to become a “spiritual celebrity”.  And this time, I’m not even joking.

Step 2: The Decision Prayer

I faced a decision at this point in my life.  Would I use my knowledge of the professional techniques that were used to deceive and manipulate me, and create a defense mechanism. Would I play the game right back and get my revenge.  I could easily use this as my reason to use men and marry for money. I blamed myself for being so naïve.  I was such a good person and I wanted to find another good person to be with.  I was the only one around based on all I see in the world today.  I felt so alone.   I had nobody to relate to, talk to, or give me the answer.  That’s when I realized I was going on a trip and God was coming too.  And then I thought “God is my travel buddy” 

Step 1: Reflection and Reasoning

I have never liked playing games when it came to dating and relationships.  Honesty is the single most important thing to me.   I had a rough 5 years that could have easily turned to hate and resentment.  I could not understand why this happened to me.  I was such a good person.  What was the reason for this.  I was determined to find out.